
7 Grammatical Errors that Make my Blood Boil

October 25, 2016

You people have left me no choice.  I have been putting up with your sloppy, offensive grammar for far too long.  I am fed up with it and I am not going to take it anymore.  Please read, memorize, and live by the following seven rules.

  1. Lose vs Loose: I am willing to wager that less than 10% of the English-speaking population can distinguish between these two words. I, unfortunately, find myself in the 10% camp.  Pardon me if I loose my temper but I just can’t get past the misuse of these words.
  2. Their vs There.  I think I learned this back in fourth grade.  Do people go on to college and graduate school and simply FORGET basic principles of the English language?  If I am in Boise and I need to drive to Hastings, I say I need to go “there”.  On the other hand “their” is reserved for people. It’s a goddamn pronoun.  Their bus was late. Get it?
  3. Debt vs Dept.  Ok, this one is a little more advanced so let me speak slowly.  Debt refers to something you owe, and for some of you it refers to what you owe to society as you are being led out of the court room.  Dept, on the other hand is a flipping abbreviation for Department.  Don’t confuse these anymore. Ever!
  4. I’m going to need to take a deep breath for this one. OK, I will try and compose myself. Did you catch it? Did you? Let me be more obtuse: TRY AND is not the same as TRY TO!!!  You will try TO be a better grammarian, but you cannot try AND be a better grammarian.  It just doesn’t make sense.  Please, for the love of all that’s holy – get this straight
  5. “heh?”  What’s that? What the hell is THAT? Did you mean “huh” or “eh” (both perfectly acceptable) – buy “heh” is an abomination – an inbred child of “huh” and “eh” and must never be used online again. I ‘m getting flustered just thinking about it.
  6. Would of.  Would have.  Johnny would have been spared a public beating except he confused these two phrases!  Please eliminate “Would of” from your online vocabulary.
  7. Do you know what a pundit is? As defined by m-w.com, a pundit is defined as a person who gives opinions in an authoritative manner usually through the mass media.  Do you know what the definition of a PUNDINT is?  Of course you don’t – it’s not a flipping word! So stop using it.

OK, that’s it.  Just those 7 simple rules and we can all coexist peacefully on the Internet.  Oh, there’s just one more thing – your spelling is atrocious!  OK, so we live in a mobile world and you’re tweeting on your Google phone while riding your bicycle through a cave. You’re a busy multi-tasking wunderkind. I get it. Pull your spandexed ass over, dismount your steed and spend the extra 3 seconds to use properly-spelled words so that people like me don’t have to invest an extra 10 minutes trying to figure out what the hell you were trying to say – thank you very much, indeed.


My Movie List

January 2, 2012

These are the movies I’ve seen recently (thanks to the addictive power of Netflix)

Here’s my rating criteria:
1: Sucked. Couldn’t even finish watching it
2: Tolerable. I sat through it but complained the whole time
3: So so. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but it didn’t suck, either
4: Great film. I would have no problem recommending this movie to a friend
5: Fantastic. So good I would consider buying it


Name Rating
Brothers 5
Inglorious Basterds 5
Man on Wire 5
Mysterious Skin 5
Slingblade 5
Stay 5
Take 5
The Butterfly Effect 5
The Jacket 5
The Lovely Bones 5
The Machinist 5
The Road 5
United 93 5
11:14 4
(500) Days of Summer 4
12 Monkeys 4
127 Hours 4
2001: A Space Odyssey 4
21 Grams 4
28 Days Later 4
50/50 4
A Mighty Wind 4
A Serious Man 4
A.I. 4
Alpha Dog 4
Anvil! The story of Anvil 4
Apocolypto 4
Away We Go 4
Babel 4
Beautiful Boy 4
Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead 4
Behind Enemy Lines 4
Being John Malkovich 4
Big Fan 4
Black Hawk Down 4
Black Snake Moan 4
Blind Side 4
Body of Lies 4
Bottle Rocket 4
Brokeback Mountain 4
Casino Jack 4
Changeling 4
City Island 4
Company Men 4
Contagion 4
Control 4
Conviction 4
Crossing Over 4
Darjeeling Limited 4
Dear John 4
Death of a President 4
déjà vu 4
Donnie Darko 4
Drive 4
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 4
Extraordinary Measures 4
Fair Game 4
Felon 4
Finding Neverland 4
Fragments 4
Garden State 4
Gattaca 4
Ghost Writer 4
Gladiator 4
Go 4
Gone Baby Gone 4
Grace Is Gone 4
Hannibal Rising 4
Hereafter 4
Hurt Locker 4
I am Legend 4
I Like Killing Flies 4
I Love You Phillip Morris 4
In The Bedroom 4
In the Valley of Elah 4
Inside Man 4
Into the Wild 4
Islander 4
Jack Goes Boating 4
Juno 4
Kill Bill Vol 1 4
Kill Bill Vol 2 4
Kill the Irishman 4
Killing Bono 4
Knowing 4
Law Abiding Citizen 4
Letters from Iwo Jima 4
Little Children 4
Lords of Dogtown 4
Margot at the Wedding 4
Martha Marcy May Marlene 4
Mask 4
Meet the Parents 4
Melancholia 4
Michael Clayton 4
Middle Men 4
Milk 4
Monster’s Ball 4
Mr. Brooks 4
National Treasure 4
Never Let Me Go 4
Next 4
Once 4
Owning Mahowny 4
Passion of the Christ 4
Please Give 4
Public Enemies 4
Punch-Drunk Love 4
Quid Pro Quo 4
Rabbit Hole 4
Requiem for a Dream 4
Revolutionary Road 4
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 4
Road to Perdition 4
Roadie 4
Seven Pounds 4
Shutter Island 4
Sideways 4
Soul Surfer 4
Source Code 4
State of Play 4
Step Brothers 4
Stranger Than Fiction 4
Summer of Sam 4
Sunshine 4
Taking Chance 4
The Assasination of Jesse James 4
The Assasination of Richard Nixon 4
The Book of Eli 4
The Bourne Identity 4
The Children of Men 4
The Conspirator 4
The Constant Gardner 4
The Debt 4
The Devil’s Double 4
The Girl Next Door 4
The Informant 4
The Invention of Lying 4
The Island 4
The Kids are Allright 4
The Manchurian Candidate 4
The Messenger 4
The Mothman Prophecies 4
The Music Never Stopped 4
The Next 3 Days 4
The Pledge 4
The Queen 4
The Reader 4
The Social Network 4
The Son of No One 4
The Squid and the Whale 4
The Taking of Pelham 123 4
The Town 4
The Tree of Life 4
The Weatherman 4
The Woodsman 4
There Will Be Blood 4
Thirteen 4
Trainspotting 4
Traitor 4
Twelve & Holding 4
Unstoppable 4
Valkyrie 4
Vanilla Sky 4
Very Bad Things 4
Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps 4
Welcome to the Dollhouse 4
Win Win 4
World Trade Center 4
Yes Man 4
Zodiac 4
Zombieland 4
2012 3
30 Minutes or Less 3
88 Minutes 3
A Beautiful Mind 3
A Single Man 3
About Schmidt 3
Adventureland 3
All Good Things 3
Already Dead 3
Amelia 3
An Education 3
Another Earth 3
Another Year 3
Atonement 3
August Rush 3
Aviator 3
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans 3
Before & After 3
Beginners 3
Big Fish 3
Black Swan 3
Blue Valentine 3
Bridge to Terabithia 3
Brooklyn’s Finest 3
Capote 3
Cedar Rapids 3
Changing Lanes 3
Charlie Wilson’s War 3
Cider House Rules 3
Cloverfield 3
Collateral 3
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 3
Contact 3
Cool Hand Luke 3
Crazy Heart 3
Cropsey 3
Cyrus 3
Dahmer 3
Dear Mr. Gacy 3
Doubt 3
Eagle Eye 3
Eastern Promises 3
Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield 3
Edge of Darkness 3
Elf 3
Everything Must Go 3
Father of Invention 3
Find Me Guilty 3
Fireflies in the Garden 3
Firewall 3
Flashpoint 3
Flightplan 3
Fracture 3
Friday Night Lights 3
Frost Nixon 3
Funny People 3
Godesnd 3
Gracie 3
Gran Torino 3
Green Zone 3
Greenberg 3
Guide to Recognizing Your Saints 3
Half Nelson 3
Hamlet 2 3
Hanna 3
Haywire 3
Hearts in Atlantis 3
Heights 3
Hesher 3
Higher Ground 3
Holy Rollers 3
Hotel Rwanda 3
Hounddog 3
House of Sand and Fog 3
I Love You Man 3
Igby Goes Down 3
In America 3
In Bruges 3
Invictus 3
It Could Happen to You 3
It’s Kind of a Funny Story 3
J. Edgar 3
Kicking & Screaming 3
Killer Elite 3
Kinsey 3
Lars and the Real Girl 3
Limitless 3
Lord of War 3
Lost in Translation 3
Mama’s Boy 3
Margin Call 3
Matchstick Men 3
Max 3
Miller’s Crossing 3
Monument Ave 3
Moon 3
Mulholland Dr 3
My Left Foot 3
Nixon 3
Notes on a Scandal 3
Nothing But the Truth 3
Observe and Report 3
Our Idiot Brother 3
Outsourced 3
Powder 3
Precious 3
Premonition 3
Primer 3
Religulous 3
Righteous Kill 3
Rudy 3
Schindler’s List 3
Searching for Bobby Fischer 3
Secondhand Lions 3
Secretariat 3
Session 9 3
Seven 3
Shaun of the Dead 3
Shooter 3
Shot in the Heart 3
Shrink 3
Sleepers 3
Smila’s Sense of Snow 3
Solitary Man 3
Stop-Loss 3
Street Kings 3
Sunshine Cleaning 3
Super 8 3
Surveillance 3
Take Shelter 3
Taken 3
The Adjustment Bureau 3
The Alphabet Killer 3
The American 3
The Bank Job 3
The Beaver 3
The Bone Collector 3
The Box 3
The Brave One 3
The Conversation 3
The Crossing Guard 3
The Day After Tomorrow 3
The Descendants 3
The Devil’s Advocate 3
The Door in the Floor 3
The Fighter 3
The Girl in the Park 3
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 3
The Hillside Strangler 3
The Hoax 3
The Horsemen 3
The Human Stain 3
The Interpreter 3
The Joneses 3
The King’s Speech 3
The Last of the Mohicans 3
The Last Seduction 3
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 3
The Lincoln Lawyer 3
The Lookout 3
The Men Who Stare At Goats 3
The Notebook 3
The Poker Club 3
The Poker House 3
The Remains of the Day 3
The Runaways 3
The Shipping News 3
The Station Agent 3
The Terminal 3
The Time Traveler’s Wife 3
Thumbsucker 3
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 3
Track Down 3
True Grit 3
Trust 3
Unknown 3
Unthinkable 3
Vicky Cristina Barcelona 3
Waiting for Guffman 3
What oesn’t Kill You 3
Winter’s Bone 3
You Kill Me 3
Zack and Miri Make a Porno 3
Bad News Bears 2
Big Empty 2
Big Nothing 2
Bobby 2
Buried 2
Citizen Kane 2
Date Night 2
Deer Hunter 2
Elizabethtown 2
Funland 2
Gods & Monsters 2
Good Night and Good Luck 2
Grandma’s Boy 2
Handful of Dust 2
I am Sam 2
In the Name of the Father 2
Inside Job 2
Irresistable 2
Kiss the Girls 2
Life As We Know It 2
Little Fokkers 2
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
Planet of the Apes 2
Rampage 2
Sea of Love 2
Sound of Thunder 2
Straw Dogs 2
Talladega Nights 2
The Education of Charlie Banks 2
The Forgotten 2
The French Connection 2
The General’s Daughter 2
The Italian Job 2
The Pacifier 2
The Recruit 2
The Sitter 2
The Visitor 2
The Whistleblower 2
This Boys’s Life 2
To Kill a Mockingbird 2
Walk Hard 2
Winnebego Man 2
You Don’t Know Jack 2
A Scanner Darkly 1
Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 1
Blazing Saddles 1
Boondock Saints 1
Brazil 1
Carlito’s Way 1
History of the World Part 1 1
Horrible Bosses 1
Hot Tub Time Machine 1
In the Cut 1
Left Behind 1


Best music of the decade

December 31, 2009

It’s that time of year for “top ten” lists and such. So I decided to throw my hat into the ring. I have come up with my top ten songs of the decade. Of course, that’s impossible for me (and most people, I assume) so I just decided to put together a “box set” of CD’s (remember those things? God, how pedestrian) Anyway, you will find my “best of the 2000’s” box set below. I would love your feedback, especially if I left anything out. Thanks and Happy New Year to all my faithful readers (that’s actually a bit of self-deprecating humor because, well, nevermind). So without further ado, here is my “box set”:

Doves – Rise
Broken Social Scene – Pacific Theme
Say Hi to Your Mom – The Death of Girl Number Two
The Mary Onettes – Puzzles
The Flaming Lips – Do You Realize
Coldplay – Talk
Moby – We Are All Made Of Stars
Blue October – Congratulations
Aqueduct – Heart Design
Say Hi To Your Mom – Laundry
The Arcade Fire – Wake Up
Coldplay – The Hardest Part
Iron & Wine – Innocent Bones
Band of Horses – The Funeral
The Decemberists – The Engine Driver
Pinback- Loro
Sigur Rós – Saeglopur

Badly Drawn Boy – Welcome to the Overground
Monarch – Lowly
Coldplay – Warning Sign
The Killers – Mr. Brightside (Jaques Lu Cont’s Thin White Duke Mix)
Shirock – Man Inside
The Polyphonic Spree – Light & Day
The Pernice Brothers – Baby in Two
Grand National – Talk Amongst Yourselves
The Dears – Lost In The Plot
Built to Spill – Liar
Mojave 3 – Bluebird Of Happiness
The Long Winters – Cinnamon
Trail of Dead – And the Rest Will Follow
Joy Zipper – 33X
Faithless – In The End
Sigur Rós – Glósóli

Sigur Rós – Hljómalind
The Most Serene Republic – The Men Who Live Upstairs
The Forms – Knowledge In Hand
Akron Family – Ed Is a Portal
Jens Lekman – Rocky Dennis’ Farewell Song
The Killers – Tranquilize (Feat. Lou Reed)
Breaks Co-Op – The Otherside
Soccer Team – Traffic Patterns
Sufjan Stevens – For the Widows in Paradise
The Flaming Lips – Vein Of Stars
Placebo – Running up that Hill
Johnny Cash – Hurt
Tears For Fears – Who Killed Tangerine?
The Januaries – Jon Sings
The Chemical Brothers – Close Your Eyes (feat The Magi)
Iron & Wine – Freedom Hangs Like Heaven


The Trouble with Cardboard

June 2, 2009

Large Cardboard boxes. I don’t know what to do with them. Here’s the problem. A few weeks ago I purchased a set of patio furniture. It came in a box.  Yes, I admit it’s not quite the same stuff you’d find on the decks and porches in the Hamptons.  Whatever. After spending several hours assembling the damn things (a table plus six – count em – six chairs) I was left with, among other things, two gigantic cardboard boxes.  The other thing I was left with was back pain. Severe shooting pain.  

But enough of my griping, back to my griping.  What the hell am I supposed to do with these enormo boxes? They’ve been sitting in my garage for like  3 weeks now.  I can’t get my car in and I can’t get my mower out.  Now my grass is like 9 inches tall and starting to discolor.  Also, the boxes block access to my garbage cans and the bags are starting to pile up in and around the house. The flies alone are enough to make me gag.  I measured the larger box and it’s almost 8 feet wide. WTF.  Now it looks like I might have to rent an industrial flat-bed – the kind that they use to move farm equipment.  I called a company that rents these things and was told it would cost me almost $300.  No way.  I’ve been considering renting a Dumpster-brand trash receptacle (can you believe that Dumpster is a registered trademark?).  Turns out you can’t dispose of type 2 recyclable waste.  OMG. 

Oh, and last week I had the bright idea to slice the big flat one in half, figuring that maybe – maybe- I could squeeze it into my wife’s SUV.  But my hands were sweaty and the knife slipped and I ended up rupturing an artery – nearly passed out (not from lack of blood but from the sight of it).  I’m really at my wit’s end.  Yesterday I could swear they were laughing at me. Mocking me. Because they know they’ve won.  And, in a way, they have. 

Did I mention that we think there’s a family of rodents living in one of them? I swear I saw one of them drag a dead cat in there. 

CGI rendering of what one of the rodents *might* look like

CGI rendering of what one of the rodents *might* look like


Update: I finally came up with an idea…by thinking outside the box!  Bad pun, I know. But I finally found a use for those horrible, horrible boxes.

It's not much, but it's home

It's not much, but it's home


Solving the Age-Old Question: How to play pocket jacks?

June 2, 2009

It is one of the great paradoxes of poker – the dreaded starting hand of pocket jajackscks. One might think, falsely, that being dealt this hand would bring a certain degree of relief. But you would, of course, be mistaken.  The problem, as the saying goes, is that there are two ways to play pocket jacks – and they are both wrong.  I have been perennially mystified as to how to play jacks for as long as I can remember.  Finally, however, I believe I have come up with a winning formula for playing jacks with a high degree of expected gain and limited downside risk. 

Just follow these steps and you, too, will no longer dread the old fish hooks.  Pre-flop, the objective is to make a raise of 4-times the big blind.  So, in an unraised pot you would put out the 4x bet. If the pot has already been raised, you need to raise it to the point that the bet is now 4x the big blind.  If the betting is already at 4x, call. If it’s more than that – don’t bother. Fold your cards and try to get over it.  If you make your raise and get re-raised, then you should fold.  About 60% (or more) of the time, your big raise will take down the pot.  Collect your winnings and move on.  If you are called, then it’s on to post-flop play. 


After the flop, you need to play very carefully.  If there are any (and I mean ANY) over-cards on the board you’re basically done with the hand. If you are first to act, I suggest checking.  Although this is normally perceived as a sign of weakness, your big pre-flop raise established a respectable hand. If your opponent takes a stab at the pot, I’m afraid you will need to fold. Remember, your opponent called a huge pre-flop raise (or made the raise himself), so you have to give his hand due respect.  With overcards on the board, my basic strategy is to get to the river without committing any more chips to the pot. 

Now, if there are no overcards on the flop, my advice is to bet half of YOUR stack and try to take down the pot as quickly as possible.  If you’re up against a bigger pocket pair then you will likely be raised.  If that happens, you have to make a tough decision.  Generally, if I know I am going to be severely crippled if I fold, then I will push all-in and hope for the best.  Otherwise, I will pack it in and wait for a better hand.  As you can probably tell. I don’t like to bring my jacks to the flop. I would much rather win the hand pre-flop.


Riding The Wave – Like it or not

June 1, 2009


When I heard about Google Wave I was naturally intrigued. How could I not be – Google has a way
of spreading the gospel in a viral way that makes you believe you need to be connected.  I wiki’d
Google Wave but didn’t get a satisfactory answer so I went straight to the source wave.google.com
and sat through most of a 1 hour+ video taken at the recent Google IO conference.  So here is what
I learned about Wave and, more importantly, about the Google marketing juggernaut.
Wave is, in its simplest form, a communication platform. So is email. In fact, you can think of Wave
as “collaborative email”.  Isn’t email dead? I mean, not for grown-ups, of course. But kids today
think of email as a communication platform like I think of the carrier pigeon – sure it will get the
job done but there are far better ways to do it. So it’s possible that Wave is Google’s attempt to
make email cool again. Or not. Let’s have a look.
When a registered Wave user creates a Wave, a corresponding object is
created on a server.  This object can then be viewed and manipulated by any users associated with it.
The other participants can chat with the object (in which case some, or all, participants might view
the chat in real-time), add images to the Wave (soon to be as simple as dragging files from the desktop),
and they can even determine which participants can access which levels of content (the demo of preparing
a surprise party for one of the participants is often used to demonstrate this last point). So, in a
nutshell, it’s pretty cool technology.  Will it change my life? No.  Will I enjoy using it? Probably.
Do I need it? Absolutely not. However, the Google-heads are in full cram-down mode and are relentlessly
brewing the buzz. In a few weeks, no doubt, there will be those who “get Wave” and those who don’t.
And, let’s face it, you DO NOT want to be in that camp!  Google has mastered the art of the zeitgeist.
If Google says it’s cool – then, by golly, it’s cool.  As I watched the video from the IO conference
I kind of felt this sense of uneasiness – almost like I was being brainwashed and had no control to
stop it.  The video begins with a hip-looking and sounding older guy (probably in his late thirties,
which is Jurassic in Google terms) laying the introduction for, what promises to be, the coolest
new technology in years. And we know it’s cool because, well, for one thing Google made it, and
because it’s on the down-low.  These two elements combine to make it a winner, but only for those who
drink the Google-aid (“and how much do you love Google?”).  Next, came Lars Rasmussen (apparently
the brains behind the product) and a “PM” lady (although she looked to be about 19). Both clad in
ostensibly goofy Wave-logo’d tee-shirts.  The campiness meter spiked to about 7. No, 8. Their
“ad-hoc” banter and casual attitude further served to indoctrinate the, as yet, uninitiated.  Maybe
this Wave thing really has legs.  A few times they compared it to the success of Google maps, which
from what I hear, is a great way to visualize all the strip joints in a given city. This was due, of
course, to the open source API that accompanied the product allowing all sorts of miscreants with
too much spare time the opportunity to dot digital maps with all the “Magic the Gathering” stores.
Now, I have nothing against open-source API’s. They can be great. And surely that’s what Google has
in mind with Wave – let the masses have at it and surely something magical will emerge. What I do have
a problem with is all the “technical mishaps” that occurred during the demo.  Really? You mean to
tell me that the brightest tech guys in the universe didn’t plan for these contingencies?  Unlikely.
Or maybe it was something else. Maybe the “technical glitches” (which were solved
awfully fast, by the way) were purposely interjected to enhance the crunch of the granola. I know,
I know. This is starting to smell like conspiracy theory paranoria. But Google is under constant
pressure to reinvent itself, lest they go the way of Yahoo, or worse yet, that behemoth Microsoft.
This may explain why they nixed the original tagline “Wave: It’s email…with pictures”. Somehow
that just didn’t test well with the iPhone crowd. I mean, the Android crowd.

When I heard about Google Wave I was naturally intrigued. How could I not be – Google has a way of spreading the gospel in a viral way that makes you believe you need to be connected.  I wiki’d Google Wave but didn’t get a satisfactory answer so I went straight to the source wave.google.com and sat through most of a 1 hour+ video shot at the recent Google IO conference.  So here is what I learned about Wave and, more importantly, about the Google marketing juggernaut.

Wave is, in its simplest form, a communication platform. So is email. In fact, you can think of Wave as “collaborative email”.  Isn’t email dead? I mean, not for grown-ups, of course. But kids today think of email as a communication platform like I think of the carrier pigeon – sure it will get the job done but there are far better ways to do it. So it’s possible that Wave is Google’s attempt to make email cool again. Or not. Let’s have a look.


When a registered Wave user creates a Wave, a corresponding object is created on a server.  This object can then be viewed and manipulated by any users associated with it.  The other participants can chat with the object (in which case some, or all, participants might view the chat in real-time), add images to the Wave (soon to be as simple as dragging files from the desktop), and they can even determine which participants can access which levels of content (the demo of preparing a surprise party for one of the participants is often used to demonstrate this last point). So, in a nutshell, it’s pretty cool technology.  Will it change my life? No.  Will I enjoy using it? Probably. Do I need it? Absolutely not. However, the Google-heads are in full cram-down mode and are relentlessly brewing the buzz. In a few weeks, no doubt, there will be those who “get Wave” and those who don’t.  And, let’s face it, you DO NOT want to be in that camp!  Google has mastered the art of the zeitgeist.  If Google says it’s cool – then, by golly, it’s cool.  

As I watched the video from the IO conference I kind of felt this sense of uneasiness – almost like I was being brainwashed and had no control to stop it.  The video begins with a hip-looking and sounding older guy (probably in his late thirties, which is Jurassic in Google terms) laying the introduction for, what promises to be, the coolest new technology in years. And we know it’s cool because, well, for one thing Google made it, and because it’s on the down-low.  These two elements combine to make it a winner, but only for those who drink the Google-aid (“and how much do you love Google?”).  Next, came Lars Rasmussen (apparently the brains behind the product) and a “PM” lady (although she looked to be about 19). Both clad in ostensibly goofy Wave-logo’d tee-shirts.  The campiness meter spiked to about 7. No, 8. Their  “ad-hoc” banter and casual attitude further served to indoctrinate the, as yet, uninitiated.  Maybe this Wave thing really has legs.  A few times they compared it to the success of Google maps, which from what I hear, is a great way to visualize all the strip joints in a given city. This was due, of course, to the open source API that accompanied the product allowing all sorts of miscreants with too much spare time the opportunity to dot digital maps with all the “Magic the Gathering” stores. 

Now, I have nothing against open-source API’s. They can be great. And surely that’s what Google has in mind with Wave – let the masses have at it and surely something magical will emerge. What I do have a problem with is all the “technical mishaps” that occurred during the demo.  Really? You mean to tell me that the brightest tech guys in the universe didn’t plan for these contingencies?  Unlikely. Or maybe it was something else. Maybe the “technical glitches” (which were solved awfully fast, by the way) were purposely interjected to enhance the crunch of the granola. I know, I know. This is starting to smell like conspiracy theory paranoia. But Google is under constant pressure to reinvent itself, lest they go the way of Yahoo, or worse yet, that behemoth Microsoft. 

All this may explain why they nixed the original tagline “Wave: It’s like email…but with pictures”.  Somehow that just didn’t test well with the iPhone crowd. I mean, the Android crowd.